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CUHK student transcript
CUHK student transcript


CUHK student transcript fake, get a fake CUHK student transcript, counterfeit CUHK student transcript. In June 1959, the Hong Kong government expressed its intent to establish a new university with a medium of instruction of Chinese. The same year, the Post-Secondary Colleges Ordinance was announced to provide government funding and official recognition to New Asia, Chung Chi and United colleges in hopes that the money would “enable them to raise their standards to a level at which they might qualify for university status, probably on a federal basis”. The ordinance was enacted on 19 May 1960. The Chinese University Preparatory Committee was established in June 1961 to advise the government on possible sites for the new university. The following May, the Fulton Commission was formed to assess the suitability of the three government-funded Post-Secondary Colleges to become constituent colleges of the new university. The commission, headed by Vice-Chancellor John Fulton of the newly established University of Sussex, visited Hong Kong over the summer and produced an interim report recommending the establishment of the federal university comprising the three colleges.

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Buy CUHK transcript of studies, order an official transcript from CUHK. The school was founded in 1963 by the merger of Chung Chi College, New Asia College and United College. Among them, Chung Chi College was established in 1951, New Asia College was established in 1949, and United College was established in 1956. Shaw College was established in 1986, and Morningside College and Shan Heng College were established in 2006. In 2007, Jingwei College, Wu Yee Sun College and Harmony College were established.  In the same year, the school established the Shenzhen Research Institute of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in Shenzhen. In 2012, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) was officially approved by the Ministry of Education to prepare for the establishment.

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