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Benefits of Owning A Fake Nottingham Trent University Degree

fake Nottingham Trent University degree,
fake Nottingham Trent University degree,

Where to order fake Nottingham Trent University degree, buy fake NTU diploma, order fake degree in Nottingham. NTU has been recognised with numerous awards in sustainability, including coming third in the People & Planet University Ranking, 5th in UI Green Metric and winners of the “Outstanding Sustainability Leadership Team of the Year” at the Green Gown awards. Nottingham Trent University (NTU) pride ourselves on our ability to make a meaningful difference.

As one of the largest universities in the UK, we have over 33,000 students and more than 4,000 staff, based across five different campuses. We have a comprehensive academic offer and are one of the UK’s most employment-focused universities; all our courses include work-related experience, and we have a top-10 ranking for the number of students completing year-long placements (HESA 2018/19). We have the second largest number of postgraduate students in the UK studying professional qualifications.

We have over 1,300 apprentices currently enrolled — we are ranked in the UK’s top five universities for employer satisfaction (FE Choices Employer Satisfaction Survey’, 2019) with a score of 92% for the quality of our apprenticeship training. We are a multi-award-winning institution, securing a ‘University of the Year’ title for three consecutive years (2017—2019), alongside a host of other accolades.

We are among the UK’s top five recruiters of students from disadvantaged backgrounds (2019 UK Social Mobility Awards); our Success For All agenda enables students from all backgrounds to have fair access to entry to NTU, additional academic support where needed, and an award-winning dashboard to analyse engagement of all groups of students, ensuring early intervention. Our award-winning Student Support Services provides a wide range of support, including financial advice, health and wellbeing, disability, mental health and dyslexia support, with dedicated specialist teams.

5/5 (1 Review)