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How do I get a Hong Kong driver’s license? Buy fake Hong Kong ID

Hong Kong driving license
Hong Kong driving license

Where to buy a Hong Kong driving license? 如何訂購香港駕駛執照?Buy a fake Hong Kong driving license online, buy a fake Hong Kong ID online, 在線購買香港駕駛執照. Buy fake HK ID, buy fake HK driving license. Hong Kong driving licence is issued by the Hong Kong Transport Department and is normally valid for 10 years. Driving licences are usually used together with identification documents, so there is less personal information on driving licences. The latest version of the driving licence, which was renewed on 28 October 2002, contains only the holder’s name in Chinese and English, the document number (usually the same as the Hong Kong Identity Card number), the type of vehicle permitted to drive and its validity period.

Buy a fake HK driving license online

The minimum driving age for private cars, light goods vehicles, motorcycles and motor tricycles in Hong Kong is 18 years old. Buy fake ID, buy fake Driver’s License, buy fake Hong Kong driving license, buy fake Hong Kong ID. Only driving licences for private cars, light goods vehicles, motorcycles and motor tricycles can be selected for initial application; For other types of driving licences, the applicant must be at least 21 years of age and have completed the probationary period and obtained a full driving licence for private car or light goods vehicle; Or hold a full driving licence for private car or light goods vehicle for one year without a provisional period. Learner drivers are required to apply for learner’s driving licence and to seek the guidance of an approved private driving instructor (except motorcycles and motor tricycles) or to learn to drive at an approved government designated driving school. Application procedures vary depending on the type of vehicle. 在線購買香港駕駛執照, Buy fake HK ID, buy fake HK driving license.

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